Complimentary Quality of Life Consultation

  • You know your friend is struggling but just aren’t sure if it’s “time” yet.

  • You suspect it’s time but just need some guidance from a veterinary professional in this difficult moment.

  • Your elderly pet is still doing pretty well, but you’d like direction on how to manage anticipated struggles.

If any of these scenarios resonate with you, consider a complimentary Quality of Life Consultation.

You know your beloved companion better than anyone. And while a consultation is not required to schedule an in-home euthanasia appointment, I’ve found it can be helpful to have an opportunity to discuss your unique situation.

During our 10-15 minutes on the phone together, I’ll invite you to fill me in on your pet’s condition as well as your primary concerns. We’ll discuss your pet’s struggles, quality of life, and whether a loving farewell may be the right decision.

If by the end of our conversation we feel it’s not yet time to say goodbye, then we’ll cover what to monitor moving forward and how to maximize your sweet pet’s quality of life.

Disclaimer: According to the laws of the state of Arizona, no diagnostics, treatments, or prescribing of medications may occur without a physical examination. A Loving Farewell is solely an end-of-life practice. For diagnostics or treatment, seek a full-service veterinary practice.

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